Uncover the Best Making Tax Digital Software for Your Business

best making tax digital software

If you’re a business owner, you’re likely well aware of the importance of effective tax management. With the introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD), the UK government has made it mandatory for many businesses to submit their tax returns digitally. This means that choosing the right MTD software is crucial for managing your taxes efficiently and effectively.

The market is flooded with MTD software options, each claiming to be the best. However, not all are created equal, and selecting the wrong one could lead to costly mistakes. In this article, we’ll explore the factors to consider when choosing MTD software and provide recommendations for the best options available.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how MTD software can help streamline your tax filing processes and be equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision on which software to choose for your business.

Key Takeaways

  • MTD software is essential for businesses required to submit tax returns digitally
  • Choosing the right MTD software is crucial for efficient tax management
  • Not all MTD software options are created equal
  • Factors to consider when choosing MTD software include budget, business size, industry requirements, and software integrations
  • Recommended MTD software options are available for both small and large businesses

Understanding Making Tax Digital (MTD)

If you’re a business owner, you may have heard about Making Tax Digital (MTD), a government initiative aimed at modernizing the UK tax system. MTD is designed to make it easier for businesses to manage their taxes by digitizing tax records and introducing new ways of filing tax returns.

As part of MTD, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requires businesses to use HMRC compliant software to submit their tax returns online. This means that businesses must use digital tools that can connect to HMRC’s systems and provide accurate tax data.

What is Making Tax Digital?

MTD is a government initiative to digitize the UK tax system and make it more efficient for businesses and individuals. MTD requires businesses to keep digital records of their taxes and file their tax returns online using HMRC compliant software.

MTD aims to reduce errors and improve efficiency by making it easier for businesses to submit their tax data in real-time. It also simplifies the tax process by removing the need for manual calculations and paperwork, enabling businesses to focus on other aspects of their operations.

HMRC Compliant Software

To comply with MTD requirements, businesses must use HMRC compliant software to submit their tax returns online. HMRC compliant software is software that can connect to HMRC’s systems and provide accurate tax data.

Using HMRC compliant software ensures that businesses are compliant with tax regulations and reduces the risk of errors and penalties. HMRC compliant software must meet certain standards set by HMRC, such as being able to communicate securely with HMRC’s systems and providing accurate tax data.

When choosing MTD software for your business, make sure that it is HMRC compliant to ensure that you comply with tax regulations.

Benefits of Using Making Tax Digital Software

If you’re looking for a more efficient way to manage your business tax filing, Making Tax Digital (MTD) software is the solution you need. By switching to an online accounting solution, you can streamline your financial processes, improve accuracy, and save valuable time.

One of the biggest advantages of using MTD software is the convenience it provides in filing taxes. With a tax filing tool that is specifically designed for MTD, you can easily file your taxes online, without the need for physical paperwork. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially during tax season.

Moreover, MTD software can help reduce errors in your tax reporting, ensuring that you remain compliant with tax regulations. By digitising your financial transactions and keeping track of your records in real-time, MTD software can help prevent human errors, resulting in more accurate tax returns.

Ultimately, using MTD software can lead to significant time and cost savings for your business. By automating repetitive financial tasks, you can free up your time to focus on other areas of your business. Additionally, with real-time access to financial data, you can make informed decisions and improve your overall financial management.

Top Features to Look for in MTD Software

When choosing MTD software for small businesses, it’s important to consider the features that will best suit your needs. One important feature to look for is cloud-based taxation software. This allows you to access your financial data from anywhere with an internet connection, and ensures that your data is always up-to-date and secure.

Other key features include accounting software for small businesses with tools for invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting. Look for software that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with intuitive interfaces and helpful support resources.

It’s also important to consider the pricing models of different MTD software options. Look for software that offers flexible pricing plans, such as monthly or annual subscriptions, to suit your budget and business needs.

Overall, the best MTD software for small businesses will be one that is easy to use, affordable, and offers the features you need for efficient tax management.

Recommended MTD Software for Small Businesses

Choosing the right accounting software for small businesses can be a daunting task. The software must be easy to use, affordable, and offer the necessary features to manage finances effectively. Here are some of the top accounting software options for small businesses to consider:

Software Key Features Pricing
Xero Cloud-based software, invoicing, expense claims, payroll, bank reconciliation, inventory management, online payment integration £10/month for the Early Plan, £24/month for the Growing Plan, and £30/month for the Established Plan
QuickBooks Cloud-based software, invoicing, expense tracking, bank reconciliation, project management, online payment integration, time tracking £12/month for the Simple Start Plan, £20/month for the Essentials Plan, and £30/month for the Plus Plan
FreeAgent Cloud-based software, invoicing, expense tracking, bank reconciliation, project management, time tracking, tax estimates, self-assessment filing £9.50/month for the Sole Trader Plan, £19/month for the Partnership Plan, and £24/month for the Limited Company Plan

Each of these software options offers HMRC compliant MTD software for easy tax filing. Xero, QuickBooks, and FreeAgent are all cloud-based accounting solutions, meaning you can access your financial data from anywhere, anytime. They also offer integrations with other tools like CRM and project management software to streamline business operations and improve financial analysis.

Xero is a great option for businesses looking for affordable software with robust features. QuickBooks is a more advanced solution that offers specialized features like project management and time tracking. FreeAgent, on the other hand, is an all-in-one accounting software with specific tools for sole traders, partnerships, and limited companies.

Best MTD Software for Large Enterprises

Large enterprises require accounting software that can handle complex financial processes and high volumes of transactions. When it comes to MTD software, there are several options that cater to the needs of bigger businesses.

One top accounting software for large enterprises is Xero. With its cloud-based technology, Xero offers real-time data syncing and easy accessibility, making it a reliable option for businesses of any size. Large enterprises can benefit from its advanced features, such as multi-currency support and payroll management.

Another great option for accounting software for large enterprises is Sage. Sage offers a comprehensive suite of financial management tools, including VAT management and compliance reporting. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses with complex accounting needs and multiple locations.

Top MTD Software for Large Enterprises Features Pricing
Xero – Cloud-based technology
– Real-time data syncing
– Multi-currency support
– Payroll management
Starting at £10 per month
Sage – Comprehensive financial management tools
– VAT management and compliance reporting
– Scalability and multi-location support
Starting at £12 per month

Best MTD Software for Large Enterprises: Factors to Consider

When choosing MTD software for large enterprises, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your business. Some factors to keep in mind include:

  • Scalability and multi-location support
  • Advanced features, such as multi-currency support and payroll management
  • Integrations with other accounting software and tools
  • Pricing and budget considerations

By evaluating these factors and researching available options, you can choose the best MTD software for your large enterprise.

Choosing the Right MTD Software for Your Business

When it comes to choosing the best Making Tax Digital (MTD) software for your business, several factors need to be considered. While there are many MTD software options available in the market, not all of them are created equal. To ensure efficient tax management, it’s crucial to choose the right MTD software that aligns with your business needs and budget.

The following tips can help you make an informed decision:

  1. Identify your business requirements: Before selecting an MTD software, evaluate your business needs. Consider factors such as the size of your business, the complexity of your tax filings, and the volume of transactions. This will help you determine the specific features and functionalities required to streamline your tax management processes.
  2. Evaluate software vendors: Research and compare different MTD software vendors. Look for reputable providers with a track record of delivering top accounting software solutions. Check out customer reviews and ratings to gather insights into the user experience and software performance.
  3. Consider software integration: Check whether the MTD software can integrate with other accounting software you’re currently using. This will ensure seamless data syncing and enhance financial management capabilities. Look for MTD software that offers integration with popular accounting software such as Xero, Quickbooks, and Sage.
  4. Check compliance: Ensure that the MTD software you choose is compliant with HMRC regulations. Look for software providers that offer regular updates to comply with changes in tax legislation. This will help you avoid penalties and ensure accurate tax filings.
  5. Evaluate demos and trials: Take advantage of the free demos and trials offered by MTD software providers. This will give you a hands-on experience of the software and help you assess its suitability for your business. Use the trial period to test different features and functionalities and evaluate the ease of use of the software.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best MTD software that meets your business needs and budget. Investing in the right MTD software can streamline your tax management processes, improve accuracy, and save time and effort.

Integration Options with MTD Software

When choosing the right accounting software for Making Tax Digital (MTD), it’s essential to consider integration options. Seamless integration between MTD software and other accounting tools can streamline your financial processes and enhance data management and analysis.

Several top accounting software solutions offer integration with MTD software. For instance, cloud-based software like Xero and QuickBooks Online work smoothly with various MTD solutions to give you real-time data syncing and easy accessibility.

Integrating your MTD software with your accounting software can provide a more comprehensive view of your business finances, including tax filing and returns. It can aid in faster detection of discrepancies, saving you time and effort while ensuring accurate results.

Making Tax Digital Software for VAT Reporting

When it comes to VAT reporting, using the right digital tax reporting tool can make a significant difference for businesses. VAT software that complies with HMRC’s regulations and offers features such as automatic calculations and submission can help streamline the VAT reporting process, saving time and reducing errors.

The best MTD software for VAT reporting is one that is designed specifically for this purpose. Look for software that offers a user-friendly interface and can handle multiple VAT returns. It is also essential to choose VAT software that offers secure data storage and adheres to data protection standards.

One of the top VAT software options available is Xero. This cloud-based accounting software has VAT reporting features built into its platform, making it a popular choice for small businesses. With automatic calculations and real-time syncing, businesses can ensure accurate VAT reporting and stay up-to-date on their tax obligations.

Another recommended MTD software for VAT reporting is QuickBooks Online. This online accounting solution offers VAT reporting features that comply with HMRC regulations and can be easily integrated with other accounting tools. With its user-friendly interface and automatic VAT calculations, QuickBooks Online is an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes.

When selecting MTD software for VAT reporting, look for software that offers the features you need at a reasonable price. Consider any additional integrations you may require and ensure that the software provider offers excellent customer support. With the right VAT software, businesses can streamline their VAT reporting processes and improve their compliance with tax regulations.

Key Considerations for Choosing MTD Software for VAT Reporting

If your business is required to file VAT returns, it is essential to choose MTD software that can meet your VAT reporting needs. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Compatibility with HMRC’s VAT requirements: Ensure that the MTD software you choose is fully compliant with HMRC’s VAT regulations and requirements. This includes ensuring that the software can handle complex VAT calculations and submit VAT returns directly to HMRC.
  • Ease of use: The MTD software should be user-friendly and easy to navigate, so your team can file VAT returns accurately and efficiently.
  • Pricing models: Consider the pricing structure of the MTD software and ensure it aligns with your budget. Some software providers charge a monthly subscription fee, while others offer a one-time purchase option.
  • Additional features: Look for MTD software that offers features specifically designed for VAT reporting, such as automatic VAT calculations, reminders for VAT deadlines, and the ability to produce VAT invoices and receipts.
  • Online accounting solution: Consider using an online accounting solution that includes MTD functionality. This can help you manage VAT returns alongside other financial tasks in a single platform, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose MTD software that meets your VAT reporting needs and helps streamline your financial processes.

Security and Data Protection with MTD Software

When choosing the top accounting software for your business, it’s crucial to consider data security and protection. With MTD software, you’re dealing with sensitive financial information, which requires robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

Reputable MTD software providers use encryption technology to secure data transmission and storage. They also have user access controls, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view or modify sensitive information. You should look for software providers that follow data protection best practices and adhere to compliance standards, such as GDPR, to ensure the safety of your business data.

Integration with other accounting software is another important consideration for data management. Integrated systems allow for better data analysis, tracking, and reporting. It’s important to choose MTD software that can seamlessly integrate with other accounting tools and software you may be using in your business.

Overall, data security and protection are critical factors to consider when selecting the best making tax digital software for your business. Always choose a reputable provider with robust security measures in place and consider integration capabilities with other accounting tools.


In conclusion, choosing the best Making Tax Digital software for your business is crucial for efficient tax management. With the right MTD software, you can streamline financial processes, improve data accuracy, and save time. When selecting the right software, it is important to consider factors such as budget, business size, industry requirements, software integrations, and VAT reporting needs.

Our list of recommended MTD software options for small businesses includes top accounting software such as QuickBooks, Xero, and Sage Business Cloud Accounting. For larger enterprises, options such as NetSuite, SAP Business One, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are great choices.

When evaluating MTD software demos and trials, pay attention to features such as cloud-based taxation solutions, advanced integration capabilities, and VAT reporting tools. It is also important to ensure that the software complies with HMRC regulations and has strong data security measures in place.

In summary, choosing the best making tax digital software for your business can greatly benefit your financial management and tax filing processes. Consider the recommended options and select the software that aligns with your needs and budget.


Q: What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)?

A: Making Tax Digital is a government initiative in the UK that requires businesses to maintain digital records and submit tax returns online. It aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of tax management processes.

Q: Is MTD software mandatory for all businesses?

A: MTD software is mandatory for businesses that meet the VAT threshold and are VAT registered. However, some businesses may be exempt based on certain criteria set by HMRC.

Q: What are the benefits of using MTD software?

A: Using MTD software can streamline tax management processes, improve accuracy, save time, and provide real-time access to financial data. It also eliminates the need for manual record-keeping and reduces the risk of errors.

Q: What features should I look for in MTD software?

A: When choosing MTD software, consider features such as cloud-based accessibility, real-time data syncing, integration capabilities with other accounting tools, automatic calculations, VAT reporting functionality, and data security measures.

Q: Can you recommend MTD software for small businesses?

A: Yes, some recommended MTD software options for small businesses include [Software A], [Software B], and [Software C]. These options offer features suitable for small business needs and have positive customer reviews.

Q: What MTD software options are available for large enterprises?

A: There are several MTD software options available for large enterprises, including [Software X], [Software Y], and [Software Z]. These solutions offer scalability, advanced features, and integration capabilities to meet the specific needs of larger businesses.

Q: How do I choose the right MTD software for my business?

A: To choose the right MTD software, consider factors such as your budget, business size, industry requirements, software integrations, and usability. It’s also beneficial to evaluate demos and trials to ensure the software meets your needs.

Q: Can MTD software integrate with other accounting tools?

A: Yes, many MTD software options offer integration with popular accounting tools such as [Accounting Software A], [Accounting Software B], and [Accounting Software C]. This allows for seamless data management and financial analysis.

Q: Is there MTD software specifically for VAT reporting?

A: Yes, there are MTD software options designed specifically for VAT reporting. These software solutions offer features like automatic calculations, VAT return submission, and compliance with VAT regulations.

Q: What should I consider when choosing MTD software for VAT reporting?

A: When selecting MTD software for VAT reporting, consider factors such as compatibility with HMRC’s VAT requirements, ease of use, pricing models, and any additional features that may be beneficial for managing VAT-related tasks.

Q: How can MTD software ensure security and data protection?

A: MTD software providers should have robust security measures in place, such as data encryption, secure storage, and user access controls. Look for software providers that adhere to certifications or compliance standards for data protection.